How to create a CentOS 7 virtual machine in VMware Workstation 15
How to create a CentOS 7 virtual machine in VMware Workstation 15
You want to set up CentOS 7.7 in VMware Workstations 15 Player with the following configurations:
- two SCSI hard disks, each with 100 GB of storage
- two virtual CPUs
You will need the following bill of materials:
- Host operating system with sufficient memory and hard disk capacity
- CentOS 7.7 image
- WMware Workstation 15 player
Download the following:
- CentOS 7.7 from a mirror download site. Choose the ISO file names: CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1908.iso. I recommend storing the ISO file is a specific directory named: Disk Images
- Download the VMware Workstations 15 Player for your operating system.
Install WMware Workstation 15 player
Run the VMware installation and select an appropriate directory. I suggest creating a specific directory for virtual machines. I created a directory called: Virtual Machines in the root of the C: dirve.
Once installed launch the workstation.
Create the CentOS 7.7 virtual machine
The first step is to create a new virtual machine. You should see only the Home entry in the list of Virtual Machines. In the screen shot below you can see that I have already setup a VM called Controller.

Select the option “Create a New Virtual Machine” and the CentOS 7.7 disc image file (ISO) downloaded earlier.

Choose a name and location for the virtual machine
I have chosen to call this machine Worker 1 and to locate it in a directory of the same name in the Virtual Machine directory.

Specify the disk capacity
Specify the disk capacity for the primary disk. Here I have selected 100 GB and also selected to store the virtual disk as a single file.

Customize the virtual machine’s hardware
Your machine is almost ready to create. You just need to specify the maximum memory of the machine.

Here I have selected 16 GB.

Run the CentOS installation
Now you are ready to install the CentOS 7.7 operation system on the virtual machine. Click the finish button to launch installation.

Following the on screen prompts to continue installation.

Specify user configurations
Once installation have completed you will asked for some use configuration settings. Here I have select the United Kingdom English keyboard.

Automatic partitioning
Select the Installation Destination configuration option and view the Device Selection.

We won’t add any disks here. We will do that later on in the setup. Click Done to return to the previous screen.

Set a root password
Select a root password and create a user if required.

Set a root password
Select a root password and create a user if required.

Reboot and login
CentOS has now been installed and configured. Time to test the installation. Click the Reboot button and enter the root username and password set in the previous set. The root username is root.

Shutdown CentOS
Type at the command prompt the command: poweroff to shutdown the virtual machine and return to the VMware Workstation.

View virtual machine in VMware Workstation
You will now see that the Worker 1 virtual machine has been created.

Add a hard drive to the virtual machine
To add or reconfigure hardware for a virtual machine you can do so via the machines settings menu option. To access this option right click on the virtual machine and select the Settings… option.

Click the Add… button and select Hard Disk.

Select the type of disk you want to add. I have selected the SCSI disk type.

Select the way you want the disk created. I have selected to create a new virtual disk.

Specify the disk capacity, which I have selected as 100 GB and whether or not you want to allocate the disk space now. I have chosen not to allocate space now.

It is not necessary to change the disk file, so just accept the default.

Virtual machine setup complete

Optional tasks
There are some optional tasks you may wish to perform with regard to CentOS.
Start up the virtual machine by selecting the Play virtual machine link on the bottom right on the screen.

At the command prompt you can perform the following task using the given commands.
Update CentOS: sudo yum update
Install wget: sudo yum install wget
Install unzip: sudo yum install unzip
Published on System Code Geeks with permission by Alex Theedom, partner at our SCG program. See the original article here: How to create a CentOS 7 virtual machine in VMware Workstation 15 Opinions expressed by System Code Geeks contributors are their own. |