Mac OS

Changing Mac’s Default Location for Screenshots

For pedantic people like myself, who like to keep their Desktop tidy, I came across this tip to save screenshots to a different location automatically.

  1. Create a folder (mine is called Screenshots)
  2. Open a Terminal window
  3. Type the following: defaults write location
  4. Drag and drop the folder into terminal. You’ll end up something like the following: defaults write location /Users/pkua/Desktop/Screenshots
  5. Hit enter!

If you remove the folder, you won’t be able to save screenshots and you’ll get a warning like below:

You can easily find the location by finding the missing folder using the command: defaults read location


Published on System Code Geeks with permission by Patrick Kua, partner at our SCG program. See the original article here: Changing Mac’s Default Location for Screenshots

Opinions expressed by System Code Geeks contributors are their own.

Patrick Kua

Patrick Kua is an author, speaker and consultant who still finds time to code. He works as an active, generalizing specialist at ThoughtWorks and dislikes being put into a box. He is often found leading technical teams, coaching people and organisations in lean and agile methods, sometimes facilitating situations beyond adversity. Patrick is fascinated by elements of learning and continuous improvement, always helping others to develop an enthusiasm for the same.
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